Freya – Main Offender

Dear Freya,

You do annoy me so. Yes you fit like a dream but why are you so aesthetically challenged!?

Exhibit A: The Totally Tartan Set

Picture 7

What is that!? You ‘totally suck’! I’m obviously old enough to have gotten measured and require the use of a ‘real bra’ so why would I want to wear lingerie that makes me look like a 13 year old at a slumber party???
Why not whip up some hot cocoa and I can tell you all about the cute boy I sit behind in math, Douche.

I’ve made my peace with the price, no decent bra will ever be achieved in my size for any less than a small fortune but buttons, oh for the love of god buttons…….really? Was gingham not enough for you?! How does this qualify as an adult bra?
I could only imagine buying this as a set for a cute pyjama day thing, but:

1 – I don’t really own pyjamas any more and this and a sleveless misfits t-shirt aren’t overly in sync.

2 – Who buys a frumpy cute pyjama set for £45.

Answer: nobody. (Unless you did and I’ve just thoroughly offended you in which case maybe this blog isn’t for you).

The end.

 You’re welcome!

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